Tell us what you'd like from the RCC!
What you see now on the RCC website is just the start! We want your feedback to help us shape the RCC into a resource that best supports the tree planting and forest restoration community across Canada.
First Name
Last Name
What best describes your role?
Tree planting organization
Forestry professional
Nonprofit or community group
Researcher or academic
Government representative
Are you a recipient of the 2 Billion Trees (2BT) program?
Yes, we have an active agreement
No, but we would like to apply in the future
No, but were in the past
No and we do not plan to apply
What challenges to implementation have you faced in the tree planting or forest restoration projects you have been a part of in Canada?
What would you like to see from the RCC to help address these challenges?
Stay up to date with the RCC!
I would like to sign up to receive updates about the Reforest Canada Collective, new resources and upcoming events.
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